International Distribution Agreement

The International Distribution Agreement template is intended for international transactions where the Supplier is a manufacturer of goods and the distributor act as a buyer and importer who organises distribution, with or without exclusivity, in a defined territory, usually a country. Frequently (but not always) the goods in question will be intended for retail sale.

The Agreement has been drafted to assure balance for both sides. Nevertheless, in the most relevant points of the Agreement (products and territory, exclusivity, non-competition, prices, delivery and payment conditions, promotional activities, services etc.), a number of alternatives have been suggested in order that the most appropriate version may be chosen for the purposes of whoever writes up the contract (Supplier or Distributor).

This Agreement can be used for distribution of products in most of the countries, but in some cases, national laws protecting the distributor should be taken into account. In that sense, the Agreement includes references to the regulations of the European Union which affect distribution agreements undertaken in the member countries.

Index of the contract

  1. Products and Territory
  2. Obligations of the Distributor
  3. Exclusivity
  4. Direct Sales
  5. Sales outside the Territory
  6. Commitment not to compete
  7. Minimum sales targets
  8. Commitment to delivery of minimum amount
  9. Conditions of sale
  10. Prices and discounts
  11. Resale prices
  12. Terms of payment
  13. Commitment to inform the Supplier
  14. Commitment to inform the Distributor
  15. Authorizations and import documents
  16. Confidentiality
  17. External distribution network
  18. Brand names, trademarks, logos and other industrial property rights
  1. Minimum stock
  2. Inspection of facilities and operations
  3. Technical assistance
  4. After-sales service and maintenance
  5. Supplier’s warranty
  6. Distributor’s warranty
  7. Supplier’s responsibilities
  8. Advertising and publicity
  9. Taxation
  10. Early termination
  11. Compensation for termination of Contract
  12. Term of contract
  13. Repurchase of Products
  14. Return of promotional material and samples
  15. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
  16. Amendments and additions
  17. Assignment of Contract
  18. Language