EZ Guarantee Loans

This icon indicates that there may be additional incentives or benefits for those who are underserved. Learn more about our terminology here.

What is this program?

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers loans to help farmers and ranchers get the financing they need to start, expand, or maintain a family farm, but a guaranteed loan allows a USDA-approved commercial lender to issue and service a loan. These loans use a simplified application process to help beginning, small, underserved family farmers and ranchers who often face limited financing options.

Managing USDA Agency

Type of Assistance

Who Should Apply

How can I use this program?

These loans can be used to:

Who or what is eligible and what are the eligibility requirements?

To qualify for assistance, the applicant must:

Are there any deadlines?

No. You should begin the application process a few months in advance of needing the funds to allow time for the request to be processed.

Is there anything else I should know?

How do I apply?