B.S. in Computer Engineering/M.S. in Software Engineering Dual Degree

Software Engineering is concerned primarily with the systematic and disciplined approach to developing software systems. It requires the application of both computer engineering and computer science principles and practices to the creation, operation, and maintenance of software systems and applications. Software systems are becoming increasingly complex, and emerging technologies are pushing the boundaries of reusable components and software quality assurance. The growth of software use in all areas and aspects of everyday life has increased over the past decades and has now become an integral part of society. The reliance on software in critical areas including infrastructure, transportation, utilities, national security, and defense has resulted in the need for properly trained and motivated individuals. ACM along with IEEE, has also indicated in their Computing Curricula 2020 (Dec 31 st . 2020), that there has also been a shift away from knowledge-based learning to competency-based learning. They define competency as a combination of Knowledge (know-what) + Skills (know-how) + Disposition (know-why). This program brings together these areas using fundamental software courses to provide base knowledge, mid-level and advanced application areas with practical examples to build the competencies and the communication, intellectual, social and moral dispositions needed in this field.

The B.S. in Computer Engineering/M.S. in Software Engineering program is directed to computer engineering and other engineering disciplines who seek advanced professional training or specialization in a particular area of software engineering; This program allows the student to move beyond the simple view of software as an exercise in "coding". It encompasses the overall process of software development with an emphasis on developing the skills needed to design, develop, and manage large and small software-related projects in diverse fields. The program also offers courses in various application areas including Artificial Intelligence and Learning, Cyber-Security, Cloud-based and Mobile application development, Data analysis and Data science. The B.S./M.S. students will receive undergraduate degrees in Computer Engineering and a graduate degree in Software Engineering administered by the Department Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Admissions Requirements

This dual-degree program is only open to current undergraduate students majoring in computer engineering at the University of Miami. A qualified applicant needs a strong academic record, as evidenced by their grades in relevant coursework (a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher). Additionally, prospective students should have comprehensive letters of recommendation. Transfer of credits from other institutes complies with the rules of the graduate school. Many of our applicants have research experiences that have resulted in publication.

Graduation Requirements

The graduate degree in software engineering, M.S.S.E., is a non-thesis program and complies in full with the CoE degree requirements

Admission Requirements

This program is intended for exceptional students to acquire both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree simultaneously, in five years rather than the 4 plus 2 years (approximately) it normally requires.


You must be an undergraduate student in the College of Engineering (CoE). A master’s degree is considered the first professional degree in engineering. The Admission Committee will carefully review academic credentials for admission into our M.S. program. Students should discuss the program and possibility of entering with an academic adviser. Completed applications are due prior to the beginning of the final exams in your junior year. You must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 at the time of application.

For further information about admission into the graduate school see the Bulletin of the Graduate School.

For more detailed information about the CoE Five-Year programs, please refer to the College of Engineering Bulletin section.

The graduate component of the BS/MS in Software Engineering consists of 6 required credits, 12 core credits taken from a selected set of courses designed to provide core fundamentals and 12 credits of open electives of which at least must be at the 700 level. The open electives allows students to explore various topics related to software and aligned with their interests and goals.

Curriculum Requirements

Sample Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Freshman Year
FallCredit Hours
EGN 123 Computing and Digital Solutions for the future 3
ECE 118 Introduction to Programming 3
WRS 105 First-Year Writing I 3
MTH 151 Calculus I for Engineers 5
A&H Cognate Course 3
Credit Hours17
ECE 112 Introduction to Engineering II 2
ECE 218 Data Structures 3
WRS 107 First-Year Writing II: STEM 3
PHY 221 University Physics I 3
MTH 162 Calculus II 4
P&S Cognate Course 3
Credit Hours18
Sophomore Year
ECE 211 Logic Design 3
ECE 318 Algorithms 3
MTH 210 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
PHY 222 University Physics II 3
PHY 224 University Physics II Lab 1
A&H Cognate Course 3
P&S Cognate Course 3
Credit Hours19
ECE 201 Electrical Circuit Theory 3
ECE 212 Processors: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing 3
ECE 315 Digital Design Laboratory 1
ECE 310 or ISE 310 Introduction to Engineering Probability