My documents are too large to upload. How do I reduce the file size?

First, make sure you know the file size limit for the online application you use. Depending on what you’re applying for, the limit can be as low as 2 MB. Here are some tips for reducing the overall size of your file.
PDF format
- Save as a PDF again, but select the “lowest file size” option available in the software you’re using to create the PDF. For instance, in Microsoft Word, there is an “Optimize for” panel to the left of the “Save” button. Select “Minimum size” to get a reduced file size with clear text and images.
- Reduce the image size if you have access to photo-editing software.
JPG format
- Scan your document at a lower resolution, such as 96 DPI.
- If you don’t have a scanner, take a photo with your cellphone, and choose a smaller image size.
- Use the “Crop” feature to remove all empty space around the image.
- Reduce the image size. Options are usually found under the advanced settings menu of the software.
- Reduce the JPG image quality if you have access to photo-editing software.
TIFF and PNG format
- Scan your document at a lower resolution (96 DPI).
- If you don’t have a scanner, take a photo with your cellphone, and choose a smaller image size.
- Use the “Crop” feature to remove all empty space around the image.
- Reduce the image size. Options are usually found under the advanced settings menu of the software.
- Save the file in JPG format instead.
DOC and DOCX format